back Platformer Game
A small jump & run or platformer game. The little dinosaur Zumbel has to save his friends, who have all been kidnapped.
Here I draw on the existing Thumbi universe. The game is currently still in the alpha phase.
The main goal is to learn and try out new things. Making a game is exciting but also very challenging!
Pictures & Videos
Level construction and tests on the PC. The tests are also carried out on the iPad and iPhone in parallel.
Funny enemies, like the "Cowboy Fungi" or the "Tree Resiner"....
The AI is rather modest so far :) Zumbel's weapon is a tennis ball that he throws out of a cloth.
Programming without Code
Game development itself. Learning new software GDevelop and its possibilities to create a game, just by describing nested "if-then" statements.
Easy to use:
It should be a simple game that is as easy to understand as possible. No crafting/trading or anything like that. Just play a little game.
visual concept
A 2D game and its challenges via parallax effects and graphical limitations. A 2D game does not allow for truly realistic light and shadow conditions.
Graphics must not be too large if they are to be considered a browser game. However, the goal is an iPad/iPhone and/or Mac game.
Nevertheless, it must be remembered that too many PNGs, despite the best compression, can sometimes be too much.
Focus & Philosophy
The goal is a simple game that you play, not manage, as is often the case today.
A bit of running, reacting, collecting and fighting against funny enemies. Simple entertainment.
The software used is GDevelop. It is relatively easy to learn. The interface is continuously improved.
Blender & Affinity Suite is also used.
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