back IPS Videomanger NextGen
A video management software for video surveillance.
Combined with intelligent video analysis for critical infrastructure and highly sensitive, protected systems, with a focus on perimeter protection.
Use of the software e.g.: power generators & substations, logistics centers, food industry, correctional facilities...
Surface restructuring:
Improving the UX of the VM Client,
as well as a new interface design based on Material Design Frameworks in an agile Scrum team.
Special Personas:
Different administration levels and tasks.
Different training and rights require appropriate interface designs and conscious restrictions.
High Security:
Different properties and areas of application mean different requirements in order to ensure optimal property monitoring.
Design Guide development
For consistent adherence to the design language and guidance for future developments.
Focus & Philosophy
User elements that are not needed should be hidden to protect the UI and the user. Ideally, this creates a needs-oriented, smart interface.
This is necessary because, for example, in an emergency (alarm situation), simple, fast and intuitive action is required.
Of course, the modern flat design was an advantage here.
Design & Tools
The Material Design Framework from Google was used.
Combined with the extremely powerful Figma tool, it was easy to create quick designs and experiment.
The Material Design components have been partially modified to meet our requirements.
With Figma/Figjam, both personas and a helpful information architecture were created to create clear structures.
owner of the softwareüre.pdf
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